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Robert Henderson Ministries is about empowering people for their Kingdom Function. Our call is to “Disciple Nations” into their destiny and purpose. One of the main areas we target in this endeavor is shifting the church from a “pastoral model” to an “apostolic model”. The church must become the government God intended instead of just a place of meeting needs. As this happens, nations will shift from their present state into a kingdom culture.



The teaching on “The Courts of Heaven” is one of the main elements to the discipling of nations. As the spirit realm is adjusted through legal actions based on the finished works of the cross, culture will be freed. This will result in the will of God being done on earth as in heaven. God’s passion is to see His kingdom come and His will be done in every sphere of society. We as His church share in this passion and are His vehicle to accomplish it.

We seek to accomplish the task assigned to us through seminars, schools, conferences, books, CDs, DVDs and other venues. We also have established and lead Global Reformers. This is an international family of apostolic people and leaders with a passion to see God’s rule and influence affect the nations. Global Reformers is a “Governing Family of God” that has an authority in the spirit realm. Through this place given to us, we seek to fulfill the agenda of the Lord to be “The Mountain of The Lord’s House In The Tops Of The Mountains.” (Isaiah 2:2) As we function in this governmental place we believe for nations to come into divine order and fulfill what is in their scroll and books in heaven. With intense desire we long for a demonstration of His kingdom on the earth. We are here to win for the Lord the rewards of His suffering!

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